A Very Different Holiday
Like most families, we have holiday traditions:
- Watching our favorite Christmas movies which for Liz and Henry is The Nightmare Before Christmas, for Nolan Home Alone, for Gibby A Charlie Brown Christmas, and for me the cinematic masterpiece, Die Hard.
- Decorating the house inside and out.
- Baking and decorating cookies.
- The absolute chaos that is Christmas morning.
COVID won’t impact those traditions, but not everything will remain the same this year.
We will miss spending time with family and friends. While a Christmas celebration over Zoom is better than nothing, it is less than ideal.
I personally will miss the Christmas Eve service at our church, specifically during the singing of Silent Night when the entire congregation lifts lit candles in unison. In my biased memory, that always feels like the last moment of peace and quiet for days.
I know that this year will be different, but I am determined to make the best of it. Who knows, we may even create a new family tradition - hopefully an annual Christmas Eve dinner of bacon-wrapped steak - that continues for generations.
From my family to yours, we wish you the happiest of holiday seasons and an excellent 2021.