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You are here because someone thought I could help you. I’m so honored; there’s no greater demonstration of trust than making a recommendation to your family and friends.

I may or may not be the right advisor for you, but I’d love to find out. This site will give you an overview of how I work with clients and the impact I have on their lives. (Case Studies)

I’ve also included some resources showing one way I attempt to educate my clients about common financial challenges. (Content Library)

Finally, since a great way to learn about someone is through the books they like, I’ve posted some of my favorite books that I’ve read over the last few years. (Reading Recommendations)

I hope this gives you an idea of who I am and what I might be able to do for you. I would love the opportunity to connect and talk further about if and how I can help you achieve your goals. You can connect with me via email (jeff@centennialsec.com) or by calling 616-942-7680. I look forward to hearing from you!